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Why You Need a Content Strategy

C+R Co.

Developing useful, original, content is at the heart of a successful content strategy. An effective inbound content marketing strategy will:

  • Use search engine optimized content to attract customers to your products and services
  • Strategically lead them through your online sales funnel
  • Keep them engaged, satisfied and coming back for more
  • Motivate them to share their experience with their circle

Delivered in a variety of forms this content builds trust with potential customers by providing them with something they value. Our team of professional content developers has the expertise to make your content rise to the top in an environment saturated with competitive web content. A solid content marketing strategy includes a variety of content channels.

Website Content Strategy

Your company’s website is the hub of your digital marketing strategy. Developing a solid content strategy for your website is a time-consuming job but well worth the investment. A professional web launch should always include:

  • A comprehensive site audit to make sure your website efficiently and effectively delivers the content your customers need without overwhelming them.
  • An updated site map to show search engines what pages on your site should be indexed so your customers can find what they need.
  • A specific purpose for each page with concise, well-written content that meets your customers’ needs. On-page search engine optimization with the right keywords in the right places will work to drive traffic and sales.
  • A sales funnel with lead magnets and landing pages designed to guide customers seamlessly through the various stages of the sales process from awareness to purchase to customer loyalty.

Blog Content Strategy

Compelling blog content is a key part of an effective content marketing strategy. Providing consistently valuable content that answers the questions your target audience is asking is a time-intensive process involving a significant amount of research, writing, editing, publishing, and distributing.

Our skilled team of content creators will help you develop a content calendar and train and equip your staff to produce compelling posts on topics relevant to your target audience. We also have content writers to manage your blog for you if staffing is an issue.

Case Study: What’s Baking at Bobo’s Blog

The team at Bobo’s is rocking their blog. They post relevant, useful information for their customer base frequently. As a result, Bobo’s search traffic is off the charts. What’s Bakin’ at Bobo’s is a great example of content marketing success.

Video Content Strategy

Videos are a valuable, powerful way to tell your brand’s story, to showcase your product or service, and to engage with your target audience. We’re not talking infomercials here, we’re talking about compelling, interesting, useful, fun or emotionally engaging storytelling that can make your business come to life online. There are a lot of pieces involved in developing a compelling video, but our extensive experience has taught us how to be a lean, mean, video production machine.

Lead Magnets

An effective lead magnet is an essential part of attracting qualified leads into your marketing funnel. We can identify and produce valuable content that your target audience is willing to exchange their contact information for. In addition to creating the lead magnet content, we will design a compelling landing page and a drip-email campaign to nurture leads.

A landing page has one purpose – which is to make a sale or capture a lead. It is a single page used in digital advertising so that potential customers have a page to land on after they click an ad or post. Landing pages don’t link to other pages on your site and typically do not include a navigation bar. You do not want to distract potential customers with additional links because your goal is to make sure they convert. And you want them to convert on that landing page right then and there.

Content Distribution

Great content doesn’t hold much value if no one reads it. That’s why it is essential to develop a strong content distribution strategy that includes social media, email marketing and other distribution channels.

Social Media Marketing

Both organic and paid social media techniques are essential in delivering content to your target audience. We use a variety of tools to deliver content across a mix of social networks, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These tools allow us to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time. How, you might ask? We make sure you’re in the loop with a content calendar that defines what goes to whom, where, and when.

Case Study: Jaimie Nicole Jewelry. We gave Jaimie a new brand as well as a strategy for paid and organic Social Media Marketing. She posts prolifically on Instagram and has amassed a following of 5,000+ already. Go Jaimie!

Email Marketing

You’ve got mail! Well, you may have a list of email addresses, but we’ll make sure that the list is segmented for your various audiences and each group receives the right content when it’s most appropriate.

You may think email marketing is passé, but with a 4,400% ROI and $44 returned for every $1 spent, email is still one of the most effective digital marketing techniques. We’ll help you build your list, maintain your list, develop email content that looks professional, meets current anti SPAM laws and most importantly, converts.

Case Study

Bobo’s Oat Bars is a great example of an email strategy that leads to tremendous growth. In just one year, our lead magnet and email marketing strategies resulted in:

  • Generated 34% of total sales
  • 47M emails received
  • Over 100,000 people subscribed to the email list
  • List segmentation generated a 5,000% increase in revenue and maintained quality sender reputation

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