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How to Write a Compelling Marketing Message

C+R Co.

Marketing Your Business

Marketing is a huge part of a business plan and it deserves as much attention and effort as the other parts. Without effective marketing, how will your audience know who you are and what you do? Marketing goes beyond telling your audience about you though, it tells your audience why you are distinguished and why they should be doing business with you instead. It draws people to you because they see that you have something to offer that they cannot get anywhere else. The marketing message you present is important and should be taken seriously if you want your business to succeed.

Creating Your Message

You want to begin by wondering what the problem is that your business is trying to solve. Why did you start your business? What do you want to achieve? How do you want to help people? These questions can help you create a message that is specific to a certain group of people, instead of the entire world. Next, who is your audience? Although you might want to try and help everyone, that might be impossible. A local organic deli cannot help someone looking for a place to print flyers off for work. Determine who you are trying to reach with your business and who is more likely to utilize your services.

What Will your Brand Do?

What is your brand? As discussed in a previous post, your brand is incredibly important to your business and it can speak volumes to your target audience. It tells them who you are, what you do, what you expect to achieve, and it gives your customers expectations they will hold you to. Use your brand to sell your services and become appealing to your audience. What makes you different? How is your business different than the one down the street? Tying this into your brand by being unique and guaranteeing certain services can help draw in your audience. Come up with a wow factor that makes you stand out and more appealing. These questions seem pretty generic but, they can help you to organize your thoughts and create a clearer, powerful message.

Another way to improve your message is to show your audience previous results. Seeing is believing so it is more effective to show people what you have done and what you can do. People can talk all day but it is not enough to tell what you can do – they want to see what you can do. Gathering feedback, pictures, and any other physical results to display to people shows them the kind of outcomes you can guarantee. Having these results displayed on all your online platforms shows everyone who comes across them what you do.

Challenges & Overcoming Them

Because there is so much to consider when creating your compelling message, there are some challenges that one can face. It is important not to get wrapped up in them and let them stop progress. As mentioned before, narrowing down your target audience could be difficult, especially if you want to help as many people as possible. It is still possible but should be narrowed to an audience that will actually benefit from your business. As you grow, your audience will grow and before you know it, you just may be helping everybody possible.


Sometimes, producing content is difficult. What do you produce? Where do you put it? When do you post it?  Social media is a great way to reach people but you cannot put just anything out there and hope it works. What you post on Facebook may differ from Twitter and what goes on Instagram may differ from Pinterest. All those posts may even differ from what you post on your business website. Each platform always has different content so it is important to do research to learn what to post. Also, because though these platforms always seem to be updating, you do not want your content to get lost. Have a consistent schedule for when you post on social media, and even your business website, so it is updated frequently but not so much that it becomes lost and your audience never sees it.

Time and Resources

Time always seems to be our enemy, never enough of it on our side. As a new business, a lot can be done to be successful. When creating your marketing message, do not promise something you do not have time or resources to do. It is unprofessional to offer a service that you cannot deliver. If there is a particular service that you would love to offer but only for a limited time, it is an option to do just that. That way, you can offer it for as long as you know you can, instead of having it on your website 24/7 and hoping no one asks about it until you are ready. Your brand and marketing message should represent your services and what you can deliver at all times, not only when it is convenient.

Measuring Effectiveness

After you have produced content, you want to be sure that how you are doing so is working. Are your social media platforms effective? Is your website accurate? Are your customers happy? Is your marketing message delivering? In order to find these things out, send out surveys or ask your customers to provide feedback. If you are starting a business, you want to be sure your message is conveying what you think it is, that your customers understand what it is you do, and what you want to deliver to them. They should know what your brand is and what it is saying. Any confusion or concerns should be brought to your attention so you know what to change. All of these challenges may seem intimidating but they are beneficial in guaranteeing your marketing message is perfect and it delivers for your business.

Create a Compelling Marketing Message to be Successful

In the end, you have the potential to create a powerful marketing message. It can help you to expand your audience and grow as a business. Your message becomes a part of your brand so you want it to be compelling so people have no choice but to choose you over the business down the street. There will be some challenges during the process but, you can overcome them as long as you focus on how you want to help your audience and how you want your business to be perceived. Remember: you want to go beyond just telling them who you are and what you do. You want to show them why they should do business with you and why they will not regret doing so.

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