Chelsea Jones

E-Commerce; What’s Happening in 2019?

E-Commerce; What’s Happening in 2019?

The year is nearly half over, and the eCommerce industry is doing quite well. A lot is going on… innovations, trends being established, statistics being compiled, forecasts are emerging for future growth, etc., etc., etc. So, what are some of the issues making noise thus far that are earning a lot of attention? On the […]

Email Marketing — Part II: It’s the best way to market your business.

Email Marketing — Part II: It’s the best way to market your business.

Welcome back! In this continuation of the discussion on Email Marketing, we will look at some of the specific details and tactics that go into effective email marketing. But first, a question: Are you aware that, according to, it costs five times more to attract a new customer, than to keep an existing one?That’s […]

Email Marketing — Part I: The most cost-effective way to communicate.

Email Marketing — Part I: The most cost-effective way to communicate.

  Why is email marketing the most cost effective? Isn’t email dead? No, email marketing is not dead. In short, when you send out emails to market a product or service to the public it works. First, some statistics: According to a 2018 study conducted by the Radicati Group, there will be 3.8 billion email […]

Intro to Conversion Rate Optimization

Intro to Conversion Rate Optimization

  Optimizing Your Website for Maximum Results. Optimization is defined as applying analytical techniques to help us make better decisions.  Using this definition as the context, then, when the goals of a business are defined, we make decisions on how to optimize those goals. This article is going to touch on the merits and effects […]

How To Use Digital Marketing for eCommerce Websites

How To Use Digital Marketing for eCommerce Websites

They say … You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. A leopard can’t change its spots. These sayings imply that something tried and true can’t be changed. And maybe in its most simplistic sense, it is accurate. However, I believe that there are always ways to take the trusted principles that stand the test […]

Chelsea & Rachel Co. – – Today’s problem-solving digital marketing team!

Chelsea & Rachel Co. – – Today’s problem-solving digital marketing team!

  Chelsea and Rachel…a perfectly balanced team. Well, here we are. It’s December already and the New Year is just around the corner. The coming year has special significance for the Digital Marketing firm of Chelsea and Rachel Co. The year 2019 holds the promise of being the best year yet for this fast-rising team […]

Shopify Experts—Chelsea & Rachel Co.

Shopify Experts—Chelsea & Rachel Co.

  Shopify: E-Commerce in a box.  It has never been easier for anyone with something to sell to create and launch an online business. There are over 120 e-commerce platforms available for an aspiring entrepreneur to use for creating their own business online. One of the most well-known, and arguably, the most widely used e-commerce […]

The Customer Journey

The Customer Journey

  Customer Journey versus the Funnel Last month we looked at the model for the Marketing/Sales Funnel. Now we’re going to look at another marketing concept known as the Customer Journey. On the surface, these two may appear quite similar. But there are nuances that make them distinct. The distinctions are significant enough that it […]

The Sales Funnel: Mapping the Customer’s Journey

The Sales Funnel: Mapping the Customer’s Journey

  Is there a need for a sales funnel in my business plan? Exactly what is a sales funnel and why would my business need one? In last month’s article, we looked at how the Digital Marketing Agency began and how it has evolved into what it is today. The intricacy of today’s eCommerce fundamentally […]